Send Business Request

Please use the form below to e-mail your business inquires, comments, concenrs and opinions to the general email of AmCham member company ({{vm.requestedCompany || '...'}})

Request(s) Criteria

  • Submit serious requests relevant to the member's activities and responsibilities.
  • Provide complete, consistent, accurate and update information about yourself, and your company/organizations.
  • Only Resumes with not less than 15 years experience in special fields and directed to specific member company will be accepted.
  • General advertisements will not be accepted.


Salutation is required.
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Country is required.
Mobile is not valid.
Company is required.
Job Title is required.
Email is required. Email format is invalid.
Inquiry is required.
Agreement on AmCham's terms of use is required.
Captcha is required.