03 NOVEMBER 2021

AmCham Egypt, Inc. in partnership with the U.S.-Egypt Business Council hosted a dinner roundtable featuring The Honorable Jonathan Cohen, U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, in advance of the U.S.-Egypt Strategic Dialogue

On November 3, in advance of the U.S.-Egypt Strategic Dialogue, AmCham Egypt Inc., in partnership with the U.S.-Egypt Business Council, was pleased to host an executive roundtable meeting with The Honorable Jonathan Cohen, U.S. Ambassador to Egypt. The dinner roundtable featured welcoming remarks by AmCham Egypt, Inc. CEO Hisham Fahmy and the U.S. Chamber's Senior Vice President for International Development and Middle East Affairs Khush Choksy. During his keynote remarks, Ambassador Cohen explained recent achievements in the bilateral commercial relationship, which includes agriculture trade growing by 20% in both directions and in the two years he’s been ambassador, the US has gone from Egypt’s number three trading partner to their number two trading partner. Egypt is the number one market for American exports in Africa and the number one destination for direct American foreign investment in Africa. Ambassador Cohen explained his team's continued commitment to steadfastly supporting U.S. companies that are helping shape the future of the strategic trade and investment relationship and engaged in a cross-cutting discussion with participating members, moderated by USEBC Executive Director Steve Lutes.